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OME-NGFF Workflows Hackaton 2024

Bioimage analysis is evolving to address challenges of big data, dealing with complex modalities like 3D and time-resolved imaging and working towards more FAIR image data and image analysis workflows. A big driver for standardization is the development of OME-NGFF, the open, next generation file format for bioimaging data. A big next step for OME-NGFF will be the adoption of the Zarr V3 standard to address concerns about file numbers in OME-Zarr files.

Following up on the successful 2023 Next generation bioimage analysis workflows hackathon (see a summary of the results here), we are bringing together leading developers and researchers this fall in Zurich Switzerland. Major topics of the hackathon will be handling OME-Zarrs in Python and in Java, how to build workflows for processing OME-Zarrs and further evolution of the OME-NGFF spec.

More information about the event                                                                                                                            Sign up here



