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BioVisionCenter Kick-Off Symposium

The BioVisionCenter is a newly-created structure cofounded by the Friedrich Miescher Institute and the University of Zurich that aims at centralizing activities related to the processing of complex bioimage datasets. The BioVisionCenter has three missions consisting of 1) coordinating research in bioimage analysis, 2) fostering the development of standardized open-source resources, and 3) training the next generation of bioimage analysts. In that way, the BioVisionCenter ambitions to become a champion for FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reproducible) bioimage analysis in Switzerland and internationally.

This kick-off Symposium aims at celebrating the launch of the BioVisionCenter by highlighting current initiatives for bioimage analysis and identifying opportunities to connect across the bioimage analysis community. The Symposium will feature invited talks from local stakeholders as well as national and international leaders in the field, and will offer ample time for networking and discussions. 

Link to the program

Sign up to the event here
